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Fungal toenail treatment

Embark on a journey to healthier, fungus-free nails with the revolutionary ND Yag laser technology.

Fungal toenail treatment

Embark on a journey to healthier, fungus-free nails with the revolutionary ND Yag laser technology at The Craigpark Clinic. I understand the discomfort and frustration that fungal toenail infections can bring, and am pleased to be able to offer astate-of-the-art solution for lasting results.

The Power of ND Yag Laser for Fungal ToenailTreatment

My clinic proudly employs cutting-edge ND Yag laser technology, a non-invasive and highly effective solution for fungal toenail infections. This advanced laser system is designed to target and eliminate the fungus that resides beneath the nail, promoting healthy nail growth without the need for oral medications or invasive procedures.

Key Benefits of ND Yag Laser Treatment:

  • Precision Targeting: The ND Yag laser precisely targets the fungal infection while preserving the surrounding healthy tissue.
  • Minimal Discomfort: Experience a virtually painless treatment with minimal discomfort, as our laser technology is gentle on the treated area.
  • Quick and Convenient Sessions: Our efficient treatment sessions allow you to resume your daily activities immediately afterward.
  • No Downtime: Unlike some traditional treatments, ND Yag laser treatment requires no downtime, enabling you to return to your routine without disruption.

The Treatment Process:

  1. Consultation: Begin your journey to healthier nails with a personalised consultation. I will assess your condition and tailor a treatment plan to meet your specific needs.
  2. ND Yag Laser Sessions: Undergo a series of targeted ND Yag laser sessions, during which the laser energy penetrates the nail to eradicate the fungus at its source. Usually two treatments a month apart are sufficient to eradicate the fungus.
  3. After Care:     Receive comprehensive aftercare instructions to optimise the healing process and maintain the health of your treated nails. Please note – it’s important to bring along a fresh pair of socks to wear after your treatment. (I have a small supply of new socks if you forget!)

Schedule Your Consultation Today

Reclaim the health and beauty of your nails with ND Yag laser fungal toenail treatment at The Craigpark Clinic. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and take thefirst step toward confident, fungus-free feet.